Nightmare: Would Peter Thiel Buy Gawker & Put Steve Bannon In Charge Of It?

by Shelton Bumgarner

I was a huge fan of Gawker for much of its existence and was greatly sadden to see it die an untimely death. Though, I must note, it died in large part because of its own self-importance and arrogance. Had it been a little bit more humble when it was needed, it would probably still be in existence today. And in its later years the site had strangly lost its way. It was adrift and had been stripped of its charm to become just nasty for the sake of being nasty.

So, right now, two things are true. The guy who killed Gawker — Peter Thiel — is interested in buying its corpse so he can do God-only-knows what with it. Meanwhile, vile piece of shit Steve Bannon is out of a job. It seems like a perfect fit: Thiel buys the Gawker domain name and puts Bannon in charge of it. I would wince if this were to happen, but it would make a lot of sense.

It probably won’t happen. I hope it doesn’t happen. But who knows. Only time will tell.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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