‘Adult Daycare Center’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Pop-Folk Song

I only associate these lyrics with a folk song because, as I understand it, usually a folk song’s lyrics are written before the music. I am well aware that I know nothing about music and no one will ever do anything with these lyrics, but Trump keeps churning out song titles and concepts.

Adult Daycare Center
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the president is unhindged
tweeting night and day
the people are questioning his sanity
should he be put away for good
should he be put in a

adult daycare center
that’s is fate we’re all afraid
adult daycare center
what day will this happen we say

the president wants World War III
or so it seems
wants to destroy the peace
please listen to my cry I say
the president won’t relent until the end
until the end is here

adult daycare center
that’s is fate we’re all afraid
adult daycare center
what day will this happen we say

don’t tell me things will be ok
don’t tell such silly words
we’re in trouble I’m afraid
what happens next is scary indeed

adult daycare center
that’s is fate we’re all afraid
adult daycare center
what day will this happen we say

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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