The music to this would be an updated version of something like Anarchy In The UK. Something really hard and scary. There might even be a little bit of a rap-punk fusion to this song. Regardless, this is meant to be an updated version of a Sex Pistols song.
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
Ignorance has descended
there’s nothing more to say
quit it with your dismay
we all live in Trumplandia now
fight the power
in this hour of need
I refuse to get on my needs
I refuse to pledge loyalty
I refuse to kiss the king’s ring
welcome to Trumplandia
welcome to Trumplandia
we will defeat it yet
that’s my hope as I fret
we’ve got to take to the streets
tie up the laces of your shoes
you know what to do, what to do
make sure the fascists don’t know
that they don’t know what hit’em
we may think we’re weak
Trumplandia may have come
but just wait and see
welcome to Trumplandia
welcome to Trumplandia
we will defeat it yet
that’s my hope as I fret
nothing will change
if you don’t fight back
vote, vote, vote
for what you believe
we’ve got to believe
that one day we’ll be free again
that the Bannon’s grip will loose
but that will only happen if you believe
you’ve got to be ready to do what’s right
to fight with all your might