‘Jared Is A Punk’ — Lyrics To An Anti-Trump Neo-Punk Song

This is a silly homage to Judy Is A Punk. It’s just me venting. I wrote it really quick and it made me feel better. I wish someone would help me to make it better then perform it.

Jared Is A Punk
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

Jared is a punk
Ivanka is a runt
doesn’t say much
don’t hear him say
ye or nay
what gives with that

don’t know a bribe
they don’t like
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that

they want us
to believe
they know
the right way
but there
are Russians
there are
Russians everywhere
what gives
with that I say

don’t know a bribe
they don’t like
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that

Jared seems
so silent
though he has
great sway
his father-in-law
is a dick
what more
can I say
to my dismay

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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